2 Guests ·1 Bedroom ·1 Bed ·1 Bathroom

Welcome to Casa Florecer, a bungalow at the edge of the sea. Your space is simple and elegant. A studio apartment with plenty of room to enjoy a quiet & peaceful time on the island. The bungalow boasts a screened in porch, gorgeous views, and pristine coral reef for your front yard. Enjoy your morning coffee on the porch while planning your day's adventure. For fun closer to home: we have snorkel gear, paddle boards, and yoga mats available for your enjoyment.

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Verbo regular 

  1. Echar o burirse de flores

To flower or bloom

  1. Funcionar bien, prosperar

To flourish or prosper 

Ej: 1. El jardín florecido. 

The garden flourished.

2. Su amor floreció en poco tiempo.

Their love quickly flourished. 

your host

Meghan, Ryan, Satya, and their animal friends are your hosts while on the Roam. Ryan & Meghan met In a surf shop and got to know each other while working in the same yoga studio. They’ve both been teaching and practicing yoga for over 20 years. 

In 2016 they moved to Costa Rica and eventually made their way to Panama due to a love of surf and the gorgeous jungle in the archipelago. Satya is a Panamanian water baby who loves exploring the jungle, the sea, and all the fruit and pasta he can find. 

We look forward to meeting you and getting to know who you are as well.

Contact us

Email: Ontheroamyoga@gmail.com

Phone: +50769884140

Website: https://www.ontheroamyoga.com/